This weekend was packed with activities and Lee and I stayed SUPER busy, but had a blast as well. Death by Chocolate events were a success and we got done just in time to hope in the Civic (Thanks Sara!) to make it to Orangeburg County, SC to celebrate the pending Garrick-Ellenberg nuptuals.
We knew we were in for a good time as soon as we turned onto a dirt road and while in route tried to attend a different pig pickin along the same trail. --the guy had a HUGE Esso sign above his gate, clearly that was our idea of a good time. After getting back on course sucessfully making it to the Dangerfield frm (which was breathtaking), Sara and I did what any girl would do and scouted out the "facilities" before making our plan of attack on the wine. Pleasantly to our surprise, the Dangerfields had constructed an out house, but inside it was full of modern ammenities. Check out the cool crescent moon and star cut out along with the WARNING sign that was clearly placed there for Lee and Justin.
The food was devine and Justin and Sara tried their first hash...even though I am not brave enough to eat this. As with most evening pig pickins, we caught up with all our Orangeburg County friends, chatted it up with the fam and tried to stay warm as we huddled around the fire pit. Much to our suprise, over halfway through the evening, Mrs. Dangerfield had a little fun surprise planned for us visitors.
I felt pretty good about what was about to happen. Luckily, Lee and I started dating while he was finishing up his last year at the Citadel, so I'm fairly immune to the suprise sounds that occur during Citadel parades and have to secretly admit that I get highly amused as I watch other unprepared girls almost fall over when they're suprised by the cannon's fire. While they flounder and squeal like idiots, I stand confidently and unaffected. Even with all that Charleston training I was not prepared for the Dangerfield's surprise. I looked to my right as I sat along the fire pit and saw a small fuse burning from a tiny tabletop cannon....then 15 seconds later I heard the loudest boom I'd ever experienced. 1) Who would've thought that there would be cannons fired at a wedding pig pickin and 2) Who would've thought it could've been so loud? Such a surpise and so amusing!
I guess we were all thankful to be reminded that sometimes BIG things come in small packages? Most of all though, Sara and I had the best time catching up with Tori and getting in a little time with the besties before Tori becomes Mrs. Jordan Ellenberg!
I made your blog!!!!!!! I've enjoyed catching up on it!